The finish and patination of your jewellery will develop naturally as it's worn. Particularly pieces such as bracelets and rings that are more exposed to everyday life. High areas become burnished and shinier, little indentations begin to appear, patination gradually wears or grows in interesting ways. They begin to take on a finish and character that is uniquely yours.
Sterling silver will naturally oxidise and darken when it comes into contact with skin, air and the environment. If this is undesirable a rub with a silver polishing cloth is usually all that it needs. My dark patinated silver pieces have essentially had this oxidisation process accelerated using sulphur-rich eggs and onions to enhance the surface textures or create a black/gunmetal finish. Please note that this patination may gradually wear off in time, especially on the high points that rub against surfaces and other jewellery worn next to it, to reveal the brighter, shinier silver beneath. The rate in which this happens depends on how often the piece is worn and how much the piece is in contact with water, chemicals (including soap and lotions) and hard surfaces. I find this only adds to the beauty and journey of the piece, as it develops a finish completely unique to you. |
As a general rule protect all of your jewellery as much as you can from excessive heat, sunlight, sweat, swimming pools and chlorinated water, chemicals and cosmetics. Remove your jewellery before bathing, swimming, using household cleaners and bleach, putting on lotion, perfume, hair products or makeup.
All jewellery will benefit from being stored carefully to minimise air contact whilst not being worn. If possible keep cool and dry in an anti-tarnish box, pouch or cloth. Alternatively wrap in a soft cloth inside a sealable plastic bag. You may of course occasionally wish to have your jewellery re-polished or refinished to restore it's original surface or patination. Please feel free to get in touch to discuss the options. I hope you enjoy wearing your jewellery as much as I love creating it for you. |